Chemical Peels
We are thrilled to provide patients with three chemical peel options, as well as the VI Peel. Our VI Peel is ideal for patients with hyperpigmentation or melasma. An acid and vitamin mixture target skin at the cellular level to provide optimal skin clarity.
Each facial peel varies in intensity, so results and recovery vary as well. Depending on your unique needs and skin care goals, a Superficial or Medium chemical peel might be right for you. Patients with rough or discolored skin may choose a Superficial peel which will treat the outermost layer of skin. For patients with precancerous growths, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and moderate skin discoloration, a Medium chemical peel may be the ideal treatment option. For patients seeking a drastic result, a deep peel will penetrate the outer and middle skin layers to effectively treat moderate fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, freckles, and shallow scars.