Scar Camouflage
Improve the appearance of your skin and diminish the visibility of scarring with scar camouflage, an innovative, non-invasive aesthetic procedure that involves tattooing the skin with specially colored pigments matched to the surrounding skin, effectively concealing or minimizing the appearance of scars on the skin. Also commonly referred to as paramedical tattooing or skin camouflage, scar camouflage blends scars into surrounding natural skin for permanent results without the need for surgery or invasive procedures. This skin treatment requires the advanced knowledge, training, skill, and an artistic eye for color and tone embodied by our paramedical professionals in order to achieve optimal results.

How Does Scar Camouflage Work?
The tattoo scar camouflage procedure works by matching the color and tone of scarred skin, which is often lighter, to that of the surrounding skin, seamlessly blending the two areas and producing results that make scards visually indistinguishable from surrounding skin. Each patient is unique. As such, our specialist hand-selects pigments to perfectly replicate that of the patient’s skin to tattoo over their scars for scar camouflage tattooing. This helps achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance free from noticeable marks and skin discoloration commonly associated with scars. The goal of this treatment is a seamless appearance that blends scars with the surrounding skin, effectively reducing their visibility. This process involves the application of pigment into supper skin layers with a tattoo machine.
Scar Camouflage Treatment Areas
When performed by a paramedical tattoo professional, such as those with North Florida Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics, the effects can be life-changing, offering a renewed sense of confidence and self-esteem for patients seeking to minimize the visibility of their scars. Scar camouflage treatment offers a fully customizable that completely integrates with the skin and minimizes the appearance and feel of scars on virtually any part of the body covered with skin. This versatile treatment is suitable for many different types of scars, including surgical, traumatic, burn-related, or medical scars. Scar camouflage is especially beneficial for scars with colors that do not match the skin around them or those with highly visible textures.
Benefits Of Tattoo Scar Camouflage
Scar camouflage tattoo procedures offer numerous benefits for patients seeking to minimize their scars’ visibility, appearance, and texture. Consider the following benefits of patients who undergo scar camouflage with our paramedical professionals:
- Conceals healed scars from surgery, medical procedures, medical conditions, accidents, burns, injuries, acne, and stretch marks, among other causeProduces a natural, unobstructed, seamless appearance to the skin.
- Produces a natural, unobstructed, seamless appearance to the skin.
- Improves self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Non-invasive and non-surgical approach to scar correction.
- Suitable for the majority of skin tones and scars.
- Long-lasting results that require only minimal touch-ups over time.
- Fully customizable treatments that are individualized to match each patient’s skin tone and skin texture for optimal results.
What To Expect During Treatment
Before your procedure, you will meet with one of our paramedical tattooing specialists for a comprehensive consultation, during which they will assess scar characteristics, such as size, color, and texture, and formulate a customized treatment plan for your unique needs. In order to achieve optimal results, multiple skin camouflage tattoo sessions are often required. You must have realistic expectations for this treatment; complete elimination of your scar may not be guaranteed, but substantial aesthetic improvements are often achievable with scar camouflage. For more information, please contact North Florida Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics.
Scar Camouflage Aftercare
Abiding by the meticulous aftercare instructions provided by our team is essential to ensuring patients experience proper healing and pigment retention. Patients’ results from paramedical cosmetic tattooing are largely dependent upon their ability to fulfill proper aftercare requirements. In general, patients should keep the treated area clean, avoid using any harsh chemicals and skincare products on the area, avoid using antibiotic topical medications, protect the treated area from the sun, avoid picking at or scratching the area, and follow their provider’s specific guidelines for the best results.

Results From Scar Camouflage
Immediately following scar camouflage treatment, the treated area of skin may have redness and swelling, which are to be expected and typically subside relatively soon after the procedure. In some cases, the deposited ink may initially appear darker than it should, but it usually lightens to match the surrounding skin during the recovery process. Patients may enjoy full results from their scar camouflage treatment after the healing process is complete. Once the full extent of the results is apparent, the treated area reveals a closely-matched skin tone and seamless appearance of their scar with the surrounding skin. Interested in scheduling your noninvasive scar treatment? Call our office today to get started!